Linked Models will be a site for publishing RDF/OWL models of commonly used industry and government standards. The work is motivated by the desire to use Semantic Web Technologies for interoperability, information aggregation and validation of specifciations that have been created using UML tools and/or XML Schema tools.
Models expressed in UML are limited in their interoperability because of the ineffectiveness of XMI as an exchange mechanism between UML tools, which often implement proprietary formats that extend current XMI standards. On the other hand, OWL models are designed precisely for data exchange and model integration. Through a formalism that is founded on interoperability principles of uniform identifiers and canonical representations of modeling facts, they have intrinsic properties for linking data and models.
SKOS, the Simple Knowledge Organization System, provides an extensible language for describing structured terminology systems like taxonomies and thesauri. Based on RDF, it inherits the power of flexibility and distribution. SKOS extends RDF with specific notions of linkage between structured vocabularies, making it particularly useful for enterprise vocabulary management.
The following links will take you to some examples of the content that is accessible from this site:
using SPARQL Web Pages